Kids say the Darndest Things

I have survived my first week with a full load of teaching, classes, tutoring, and half-marathon training.

It wasn’t pretty but I did it. And now I am excited to do a run and kick off my weekend ASAP


I have an idea…

I spend most of my teaching hours in a 4th grade classroom. Its 23 boys in the morning and then 2 other rotations of students after lunch. But I mostly there just when the boys are in my classroom,

Last year, I was with the same group of boys and their personalities are hysterical. And they have somehow… blossomed…more

They really do say the darndest thing and they never cease to amaze me.

So I’m going to try to post once a week the best quote from teaching.

I hope you guys get a kick out of my students like I do 🙂


Student: “Mss Johnson, Msss Johnson, come here come here!

I run over.

Student: “Did they use real pink snakes to make your shoes?


Why yes they did. (Just Kidding). (I think).

And another quote that was too good to pass up:


Student: “Ms Johnson, are you in college?”

Me: “Yeah, I told you I go to Florida State and I am a senior”

Student: “I just wanted to make sure because that means you aren’t a real teacher and can’t call my mom”

Me: ” Well I am going to be a teacher so you still have to listen otherwise I will tell your mommy”

Student: “Nahh, you teaching me is like my little sister teaching me.



Have a great weekend guys!!

5 thoughts on “Kids say the Darndest Things

  1. They do say the darndest things! …. It was a tough week this week and I’m glad the weekend is here! Ahhhhh- weekend love!

  2. Ashley says:

    hahah kids are so cute at that age. I used to teach a summer camp for elemetary age kids. They made me laugh everyday.

  3. One of my best friends is a teacher and the stories she tells me about the kids are hilarious!!! Glad you survived your week – you’ve definitely got a lot on your plate! Cheers to you for fiinding time to fit it all in! 🙂

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